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Today is: 21-Feb-2025 18:26 GMT
Browse Projects ... for 'python'
Page: 29 from 30
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Python Developer - Machine Vision for Pi 26-Aug-2024
18:46 GMT
Python-Based Technical Support Chatbot Development
Category: Machine Learning (ML), Python, Software Architecture
Budget: ₹100 - ₹400 INR
09:56 GMT
Scraping of ICD-10 Codes
Category: Data Mining, Data Scraping, Python, Web Scraping
Budget: $30 - $250 USD
09:50 GMT
scrape gov property value public website database 26-Aug-2024
05:12 GMT
DeFi Project 26-Aug-2024
05:11 GMT
Need to convert 1 sql file to dict.dz 26-Aug-2024
05:04 GMT
socialmedia API coding 26-Aug-2024
04:54 GMT
E-commerce Automation with Python
Category: Django, PHP, Python, Software Architecture
Budget: $8 - $15 USD
03:58 GMT
Algorithm/Machine learning project (Hangman)
Category: Algorithm, Algorithm Analysis, Machine Learning (ML), Python
Budget: $10 - $30 USD
09:40 GMT
Odoo integration
Category: ERP, MySQL, PHP, Python, Software Architecture
Budget: ₹750 - ₹1250 INR
03:46 GMT
AI-Powered Subtitle/Caption Generator
Category: MERN Stack, Node.js, Python, React.js
Budget: ₹12500 - ₹37500 INR
03:41 GMT
full stack Developer 25-Aug-2024
01:16 GMT
Script Running Bluetooth Dongle Raspberry Pi
Category: Arduino, C, Programming, Linux, Python, Raspberry Pi
Budget: $10 - $30 USD
16:01 GMT
Google Cloud Storage Permissions Troubleshooting
Category: Google Cloud Platform, Linux, Python, Ubuntu
Budget: $10 - $30 USD
10:01 GMT
Looking for ODOO Developers who can customize and implement ODOO Expense Management application
Category: Odoo, Python
Budget: $250 - $750 USD
09:51 GMT
Capstone Design Project Assistance Needed
Category: Deep Learning, Machine Learning (ML), MySQL, Python, Tableau
Budget: ₹600 - ₹1500 INR
10:02 GMT
Development of Custom XML Generator for AliExpress European Suppliers
Category: MySQL, PHP, Python, Software Architecture, XML
Budget: €375 - €750 EUR
18:03 GMT
Python Developer for AI Agent Creation
Category: Data Mining, Java, Machine Learning (ML), Python, Software Architecture
Budget: $30 - $250 USD
15:58 GMT
Python Developer Needed for Discord Bot with Spotify Integration
Category: JavaScript, PHP, Python, Software Architecture, Web Scraping
Budget: $15 - $30 USD
12:30 GMT
Pack Gaussian Splatting Python into windows installable MSI.
Category: Linux, Machine Learning (ML), Python, Software Architecture, Windows Desktop
Budget: $250 - $750 USD
09:48 GMT
Custom AI Trading App Development for Stockbrokers 21-Aug-2024
18:12 GMT
Orthanc Installation Assistance on Windows Server / Windows 10
Category: Installation, Linux, Python, Software Architecture, Ubuntu
Budget: €12 - €18 EUR
16:02 GMT
Django Developer for Feature Enhancement
Category: AngularJS, Django, HTML, JavaScript, Python
Budget: ₹600 - ₹1500 INR
15:59 GMT
Window Dimensions API OpenCV Python 21-Aug-2024
14:04 GMT
Address Normalization & Search Enhancement in Flask
Category: Flask, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Python
Budget: $30 - $250 USD
09:54 GMT
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