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Project |
Started |
Mu Online Wcoin/Gold Point Generator Development
Category: C, Programming, C#, C++, Computer Security, Software Architecture Budget: $30 - $250 USD |
22-Mar-2025 23:03 GMT |
Atmega48Pa C
Category: C, Programming, C#, C++, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Budget: €12 - €18 EUR |
21-Mar-2025 23:01 GMT |
Flights Data Management App Enhancement
Category: .NET, C#, Programming, Windows Desktop, Windows Mobile Budget: £2 - £5 GBP |
20-Mar-2025 17:03 GMT |
Image Converter Tool Development -- 2
Category: C, Programming, C#, C++, PHP, Software Architecture Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR |
20-Mar-2025 05:01 GMT |
VR Chatbot for Explaining Engineering Drawing
Category: C#, Programming, Engineering, Software Architecture, Unity 3D Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR |
19-Mar-2025 11:01 GMT |
Web-Based Fuel Inventory System Developer
Category: .NET, C#, Programming, MySQL, PHP, Software Architecture Budget: $750 - $1500 USD |
17-Mar-2025 22:51 GMT |
Snapshot Transfer from PC to STM32F767ZI Nucleo board whenever the board requests through Ethernet Interface, preferably using HTTP requests...
Category: C, Programming, C#, Firmware, Local Area Networking, RTOS Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR |
17-Mar-2025 16:54 GMT |
Freelance .NET Developer (Website Maintenance & Improvements)
17-Mar-2025 16:06 GMT |
C[sharp] Background Logging Application for Windows
Category: .NET, C, Programming, C#, C++, Windows Desktop Budget: £20 - £250 GBP |
16-Mar-2025 23:00 GMT |
Web Application for Indian Visa Payments From Bangladesh///Looking for BD Freelancer
Category: .NET, C#, Programming, C++, Software Architecture, Windows Desktop Budget: $1500 - $3000 USD |
16-Mar-2025 10:54 GMT |
Adatbevitel és szövegfeldolgozás
Category: C#, Programming, Data Entry, Data Processing, Excel, R Programming Language Budget: $15 - $25 USD |
13-Mar-2025 10:50 GMT |
Seeking a highly skilled Full Stack Engineer
11-Mar-2025 09:15 GMT |
Polar coordinates to Cartesian Coordinates
10-Mar-2025 20:14 GMT |
Deriv Trading Robot Speed Optimisation - 10/03/2025 00:53 EDT
Category: C, Programming, C#, C++, PHP, Software Architecture Budget: $10 - $30 USD |
10-Mar-2025 05:04 GMT |
Multi-Instance on Windows Game
Category: C, Programming, C#, C++, Mac OS, Windows Desktop Budget: $10 - $50 USD |
08-Mar-2025 16:53 GMT |
Invoice Printing App Bug Fixing
Category: .NET, ASP.NET, C#, Programming, Microsoft SQL Server, Software Architecture Budget: ₹1500 - ₹12500 INR |
08-Mar-2025 11:00 GMT |
Google PDF Management Enhancement
Category: C#, Programming, Microsoft Access, MySQL, PHP, Software Architecture Budget: ₹750 - ₹1250 INR |
07-Mar-2025 04:57 GMT |
a successful bot for crypto
Category: C, Programming, C#, C++, Python, Software Architecture Budget: $750 - $1500 USD |
06-Mar-2025 22:51 GMT |
Multi-Platform Gym Management App
Category: Android, C#, Programming, IPhone, Mobile App Development, PHP Budget: ₹12500 - ₹37500 INR |
05-Mar-2025 11:03 GMT |
Web Application Development with Oracle
Category: .NET, ASP.NET, C#, Programming, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Budget: ₹12500 - ₹37500 INR |
05-Mar-2025 11:02 GMT |
CRM project- need a developer sole to work on one project
04-Mar-2025 16:18 GMT |
Windows Desktop Software Development in C++
Category: C, Programming, C#, C++, Software Architecture, Windows Desktop Budget: $15 - $25 USD |
04-Mar-2025 10:57 GMT |
C++ Console to ImGui Interface Upgrade
Category: .NET, C, Programming, C#, C++, Software Architecture Budget: $2 - $8 USD |
01-Mar-2025 05:00 GMT |
Cross-Platform AI-Integrated Messaging App
Category: Android, C#, Programming, IPhone, Mobile App Development, Objective C Budget: $250 - $750 USD |
01-Mar-2025 04:50 GMT |
Cross-Device CPU & RAM Sharing App
Category: Android, C, Programming, C#, Mobile App Development, Windows Mobile Budget: $40 - $300 CAD |
27-Feb-2025 22:52 GMT |
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