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Start with the YouTube clip from 00:17–00:22 (link above). Then fade to the aerial map photo of JerMar Lake where I want you to add an animation of a red arrow that curves around the right side of the pond, then place a X towards the middle right. marked spot where I’ll be fishing. Slowly zoom into the map on the X until it fades to black. Then begin my GoPro footage at 07:16:32:07 (BEFORE the first cast). Include my first retrieve and second cast in full — do not cut these short, let it play out. During the first cast (07:16:48:06), begin to zoom in and track the bait in the water by 07:16:52:05. You can see my frog lure land beyond that grass mat/ vegetation. Quickly zoom in as much as you can on the bait as it's moving and then it crosses over the vegetation (THAT IS THE #1 MOST IMPORTANT PART!!!!!). At this point you should be alll the way zoomed in on the bait and then right before it hits the open water... Start slow motion at 07:16:59:26 and SHOW THE FISH EAT THE FROG LURE! at 07:17:00:18 IN FULL SLOMO. Cut back to normal speed and zoom back out to Zero zoom and the show the rod bend and some of the fight, then the fish jump out of the water TWICE in the middle of the fight. I want you to slightly zoom in and slow down the moments where the fish is in the air then cut back to normal speed and let it play out until 07:17:11:00. Remove any audio where the GoPro beeps (07:17:03:25).
I can Not be anymore clear than this. Please give me an ETA on when you can have this finished. Again, I'm not looking for any music, you can play the natural sounds of the GoPro. I'm just looking to see that you have the ability to zoom in on specific objects and track their movement, while at the same time being able to slow down and speed up these shots. This is important because you will be doing that a Lot, basically every time. I feel like this is basic and I can do it on CapCut right now, but I want to give you an opportunity. You've been doing this for 8 years. I'll even pay you more money, I just need you to prove to me that you are making me a Priority so we can continue working together and have a mutually beneficial relationship. YESTERDAY (LOCAL TIME FOR NISHCHAL: THU 4:30 PM) In the opening scene, use this Image and freeze for like 3-4 secs. See the line I drew, it's the path I took and I want you to add a little animation that has an arrow that grows and follows that path and then stop it. Place an X where I placed the X and then the next scene. ZOOM in all the way to the X until the screen goes Black. Its like the viewer is literally dropping in on location, then cut to the GoPro footage, me retrieving in the frog bait and then I make a cast... AS SOON AS the BAIT HITS THE WATER - ZOOM IN ON THE FROG LURE AND TRACK IT AS IT MOVES ACROSS THE VEGETATION , THEN LIKE I SAID BEFORE, THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, DOING THE SLOMO AND ZOOM IN ON THE FISH BITING THE LURE. THATS THE KEY FOOTAGE. |