We require an experienced freelancer to create high-realistic product images for our toilet seats, which are customizable with individual designs. The goal is to produce visualizations that display the product in various positions and optimally highlight the designs, similar to the visualizations seen from our competitors.
Core Tasks:
Product Visualization: Create high-realistic visualizations of our toilet seats. The use of 3D modeling is optional; alternatively, other techniques that can deliver equally high-quality results may be used. The visualizations should showcase the product from multiple perspectives, clearly emphasizing every detail and applied motif.
Development of a Photoshop Macro: Develop a Photoshop macro that enables us to efficiently and precisely apply each of our 1000 motifs to the visualizations of the toilet seats. This macro should automate and accelerate the process of motif application.
Extensive experience in creating high-realistic product visualizations, with or without the use of 3D modeling.
Advanced skills in Photoshop, particularly in the development and use of macros.
A portfolio demonstrating your ability to produce high-quality, detailed product images.
Willingness to create a sample image that meets our requirements for visualization quality and detail.
Proven professionalism and the ability to deliver consistent, high-quality results.