I have a wordpress website. I am a graphic designer and I want to create an onboarding process and timeline update for clients within my website. Kind of like a portal for each client, where they can track progress and leave feedback based on ongoing project. My plan was to create a password protecteed page to send to each client myself once we have agreed to work together. I want them to be able to see the timeline of their entire project and also be able to see what stage i am at, at any given time. it is just a way to keep them in the loop of the whole design process. so it will look kind of like a checklist that I update myself, this is for specific tasks.
Overview of it will be the stage we are in + expected time frame to complete that stage, however when you click on the stage, that is where you can access the checklist, to know exactly what i am working on in the moment. Client cannot update the checklist. Once I am done with that stage I should be able to upload the document for client review. Client should also be able to upload file if they need to, then right after that will be like a dialogue box for client feedback. They should be able to let me know If i should proceed with what I have or make corrections. Both myself and client should be able to recieve notifications whenever updates have been made.
This is pretty much what every stage will look like, drop down with checklist, upload file, and message box.
I have drawn up something for better understanding. I should be able to edit the text, considering different clients, different needs. My plan is to just copy the code onto new pages for new clients, then I can edit the text to match the client needs. I should also be able to edit the timeline, and it would be a mega plus if I can have a progress bar as we progress through these stages.