We are seeking an experienced Excel specialist to develop a robust reconciliation solution that consolidates and verifies client balances across three financial platforms:
- A payment gateway - A payouts platform - A cryptocurrency exchange
Together, these platforms handle around 14 different assets, and our dataset is across 6 transactional reports.
Project Requirements: - Consolidated USD balances per client, per month - Breakdown of balances by individual asset - Integration of data from all three platforms - A summary sheet showing: - Opening balance - Movements (deposits/withdrawals) - Closing balance - Ability to trace summary numbers back to source sheets (linked cells preferred) - Reconciliation must allow comparison with source-of-truth data from each platform
Additional Details: - We will share a reconciliation sheet with a client (attached: “New Age Reconciliation”) - The client’s attempt to cross-check this data (attached: “Clients Own Reconciliation”) surfaced discrepancies (see “Balance Confirmation” tab) - We want to resolve this issue now and implement a more reliable reconciliation process moving forward - future work available.
Deliverables Due By: Monday/Tuesday (project is time-sensitive)
An NDA must be signed before any sensitive data is shared.