Goood morning I have a group of persons who want to talk on serious SOCIAL ISSUES
But they do not want to Persons to know who they are . So that means they want to be anonymous by not having their True Voices be known as they want to be anonymous
okay okay i know LOTS of VOICE CHANGER APPS. Yes I do . But I do have not found one that is of good quality. In other words, the ones i have found is sounding " Hollo" or " Cartoony" or " Echo"
SPEECHELO --- this is a GREAT quality App. But some of our Speakers /Guests may not want to prchase it
1) So do you know a APP that you can recommmend that can be uploaded/used on t YOutube Podcast? ( So that wen the people sit and talk that they can talk in into a App, that changes their voice before uploaded to youtube. )
2) Or do you have a App to recommend to talk into that it simultaniously changes a speakers voice as as they are on talking LIVE on Youtube LIVE??
3) Or do you have APP,, that can be a FREE App that people can use /talk into before they upload it a FACEBOOK GROUP or a WHATSAPP Community group?
4) PLEASE MAKE SRE you can speak ENGLISH well because you wil need to communicate with me Infact please can you send me a link to your google drive or your Youtube channel so that i can hear your voice ahead of time to see if you can communicate with me on this project?