Part 1: Party Walls Report You are required to produce an A4 report in a professionally presented format to cover the processes involved, and issues which need to be considered at each stage under the following minimum elements: Determining notifiable works. Determining owners. Types of notice relevant. Notification of works and timeframes. Disputes arising and when. Resolution of disputes. The work should be fully referenced to academic and practice based sources. Part 2: Dilapidations Report You are required to produce a professionally formatted A4 report to advise a landlord/client as to the processes involved in determining a claim for damages under their lease with a commercial tenant at the end of a lease term. The report should cover, as a minimum, the following elements: Who the relevant parties are. Extent of the demise. Types of schedule. Typical schedule of dilapidations (format and layout). Matters to be considered when preparing a schedule of dilapidations/claim for damages. Quantified demand (timescales and content). The work should be fully referenced to academic and practice based sources. For each Act e.g. party wall act, floorplans need to be made so knowledge of CAD and make up a scenario for the first party walls so cad drawings and content writing. 3500 words. More info will be provided, experienced freelancers pls no time wasters.