I am looking for an experienced Laravel developer or DevOps freelancer to help with the installation and configuration of a Laravel-based SAAS ERP system. The system is already purchased and ready in a zip file (standard Laravel structure with Composer, Vite, TailwindCSS, MySQL, etc.).
The task includes:
Making sure hosting solution is setup for the system and ready Installing all required components: PHP 8.x (compatible with Laravel) MySQL/MariaDB Composer (PHP dependency manager) Node.js + npm (for building frontend assets using Vite and TailwindCSS) Unpacking and uploading the source files to the server Running composer install and npm install && npm run build Configuring the .env file (database, mail, etc.) Creating and setting up the MySQL database Running Laravel migrations and seeders: php artisan migrate --seed Configuring web server (Apache or Nginx) to point to the /public directory Ensuring correct file/folder permissions (e.g. storage, bootstrap/cache) Setting up SSL certificate