Myself (located near Manchester airport) and my friend (located near Newcastle airport) would like ideas and suggested itineraries for a long weekend away around 16-18 May 2025. We both need to be able to fly direct from our locations and neither of us should have long waits for the other. Amsterdam is possible but where else? We are prepared to spend some money to get the most out of the experience. We both like good food and drink and would enjoy making the most of the location we meet. It is a non-romantic weekend - just friends who don’t get chance to meet often due to work, families and location. We therefore need accommodation as well, likely one room with separate beds etc. Timing is a little flexible so travel on the 15th or 19th would be possible subject to exact timings. My suggestion is that part 1 of this is identifying possible options with rough itineraries and part 2 is then honing in on exact options and getting things booked.