For our portfolio, we are making the audio track at the pre-visualisation stage of a video.
The audio track is 42 minutes, consists of voice overs laid over music tracks.
All events and timing of the elements have been edited as we want them to be.
You can listen to the track as it is now via this link:
In terms of workflow, what we have in mind is first sending you one voice-over only track, 42 minutes in length, you mix and compress that, make it sound like a real, quality broadcasting podcast, or an audio book narration.
Then we receive back this voice overs track, we do final adjustments of music levels with that track.
Then we send you one music only track, and you mix that track with your compressed and mixed voice overs track.
Making sure at no time changing the occurrence of the events.
The original recording for most of the voice overs is at a low loudness level (-23 dB).
We need the final project audio track at 48KHz and 24 Bit.
Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you!