We are looking for someone to design (not implement) the checkout and order confirmation page of our website essentialworkwear.com
We've recently had figmas done for PDP and bundle pages and we are happy with the overall look and feel of these, so we've implemented them (see designs below)
Figma designs we've had done for desktop and mobile which have recently gone live: https://www.figma.com/proto/PCuebGr80vZ7wOJLZU5zSf/ESSE-Website-Design?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=154-849&node-type=canvas&viewport=17097%2C-3927%2C1.11&t=NPFRS8FT9vXyBep5-1&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=154%3A849&show-proto-sidebar=1
We are looking for someone to redesign: 1. checkout (checkout page): https://essentialworkwear.com/checkout/
2. Order confirmation page: https://essentialworkwear.com/checkout/order-received/55193/?key=wc_order_RkjPy8OJG2kE9
We are keen for these to follow the same style and colour rules as set out in the figma shared in this briefing
The design must enhance the current user experience and have a clean, simple aesthetic. It must be designed in a way which will increase our conversion rate