We have two things for our WordPress site that need fixing:
1. Table of contents - Not linking properly after content updates. Homepage: 9 headlines need to be linked. New Casinos page: 1 headline needs to be linked.
2. News/Blog articles not displaying correctly - New articles aren’t automatically showing in the Betting Insights section. AI-generated articles have a broken design compared to manually created ones.
Check this broken one: https://fatgambler.ca/blog/patrik-laine-s-triumphant-return-to-the-canadiens-a-special-night-for-the-finnish-forward/
VS this correct one: https://fatgambler.ca/blog/canadas-1998-nagano-silver-medal-winners-who-made-history/
We want all new articles (including automatic AI-generated ones) to follow the same design as the manually created ones.
Looking for permanently fixes here! Let me know if you can help with this- Thanks