a) I want to paste Raw client data into tab " Raw Data" in excel
b) However I want the data automatically - when I flip over to the "Auto_Filtered_ClientData" tab to auto filter data i dont need to exclude eveything under a specific value ( in this case under 5) but to include Blanks and "-"
C) once fitlered I also need it to sort it from Largest to Smallest in the Amount column of the Auto Filtered CLient data tab
d) Any value in the amount column of "Auto_Filtered_ClientData" tab that has "-" or "#NA" this needs to be replaced with a zero "0".
e) The Settings Tab - should be able to adjust values NOT to include each time ( so this can be adjusted in the future).
I want to avoid Macro buttons , and VBA as much as possible (if at all?) - I just want to dump the raw data and then see the results populate automatically in the second tab "Auto_Filtered_ClientData"