I recently purchased a Laser Engraver as a Christmas present for my wife. Unfortunately the item has been lost during delievery and it is now very unlikely I will have the item in time for Christmas.
I would like to hear off Video Makers that can create me a short reveal video of the product using the manufacturers promotional video avaiable on their website.
What I have in mind is the video starting with a Christmas present box opening with the words Merry Christmas Nicola on the screen, the box then opens and an image of the engraving machine appears fom the box that will then run into the promotional video which will then fade out at the end.
If the video can be overlayed with some Christmas music that would be ideal.
Here is an example of the product video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTVrpWTsfpY
As there is not a great deal of time to deliver this project I will look to award urgently.
I have no idea of cost so I have entered £10 in the budget line, this is obviously not the proce I expect to pay, so please enter your own best bid.
I look forward to hearing from you and working with you.