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Today is: 27-Mar-2025 23:46 GMT
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Project title: I need a site audit and remedial actions
Posted by: External project from PeoplePerHour
Started: 18-Nov-2024 12:33 GMT
Description: Expected duration: 1 - 2 weeks
We are looking for a site audit and optimisation of a client’s woocommerce website, covering the set of issues/considerations listed below, as well as any other points that arise as part of the audit.

The overall aim is to ensure all aspects and functions of the site work as intended, providing resilience and consistent high performance.

The provider will need to firstly make recommendations on what needs to be done, and then, following discussion with us, execute the agreed upon actions.

Key points / issues faced that need to be addressed are as follows:

1. Some orders (with payment collected through Stripe) continue to show as “Pending payment” even after Stripe confirms the payment has been received. In some cases this has resulted in orders “timing out” and (incorrectly) sending a “Cancelled” email to the customer. We have tried adjusting the Cron job settings however this has made no difference. The Stripe webhooks appear to be configured correctly and show as active.
2. We have experienced spikes in resource usage on the site, particularly when crawled by Google. This has caused a number of temporary drop-outs and requires investigating to ensure the site can be crawled without adversely affecting performance.
3. Possibly related to point 2, there are (at times) a high volume of admin-ajax.php executions, which are requiring excessive CPU / RAM. We believe these may be related to the currency switcher plugin being used, however this will need to be investigated. The currency switcher config is crucial to the two Google Shopping feeds in place and so this must be reviewed with caution.
4. HDD usage “ballooning” – whenever we add images/products to the site, the HDD usage increases disproportionately (for example, adding 500 images of approx.. 30kb each results in a 10gb increase in HDD space usage). We have recently changed some settings to ensure only the images sizes actually required are produced, however this needs checking to establish whether anything else is needed, as the storage usage seems astronomically high.
5. Related to point 3, we need guidance on removing any un-used images / image sizes. There are thousands of images not attached to a product, which need to be removed, and there may be images with certain sizes that are not in use, where those redundant sizes could be removed.
6. Related to point 4, we need a way to ensure this happens automatically in future, i.e. whenever a product is deleted and a certain image is not in use elsewhere, that image should be automatically deleted from the site.
7. Site speed – overall, the site page load is around 2-3 seconds. We are looking to reduce this to 1 second or less.

Looking forward to hearing from you if you can help.
Project ID: 3409199
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