Our company is working on creating an on-line shop - selling quality designer jewellery.
Our company requires a person or persons to make up - firstly - several sets of sample ranges of quality designer jewellery, and at a later date be able to produce and manufacturer any orders we may receive - as mentioned we are going to place the finish products on an on-line shopping website to see if we get any sales..
We will begin with approx. 40 sets of jewellery which is to be made from gold and silver coloured metals, rhinestones, artificial pearls and quality plastics.
We also require a range of real gold, silver and diamonds jewellery sets - as to the number of this set of jewellery - depends on the " making up " - prices.
Plus there will be approx. 20 x sets of jewellery which is made from fabrics and ribbon covered beads - the fabrics I will supply - and I will send to you - a picture of the size of beads to use.
Each jewellery set is to comprise of the following 1) Necklace 2, Bracelets 3) Ear rings 4) Bangles. 5) Broches
I have photographs of the design of items we require - which will be sent to the successfully jeweller.
The successful Jeweller must also have a work shop so that they can produce any orders we may receive for these quality items.
We plan to work with the successful jeweller for many years.