We have most U.K areas prepared for Eco 4 funding to launch in April with the best people who Have to have good Lead Generation Experience. Can you advise and promote new and funded Measures and ask a few Questions to offer the public Free advice.
Eco 4 Measures
EWI (External Wall Insulation)
IWI (Internal Wall Insulation)
First Time Central Heating
Non-Condensing Boiler
Cavity Wall Insulation
Loft Insulation
Lead Generators will have the knowledge and experience to work with the public advising on the benefits and savings they will make with adding value to their properties with their New Funded Installation.
This Applies to all Private Owned / Rented properties U.K wide.
Benefits for the customer
The UK government ECO scheme has certain requirements for those who apply for free electric storage heaters with other measures and can check whether they are eligible from the list of qualifying benefits that are supplied.
Customer Eco Funding Process
Customers details are sent to us via Email, Google Drive, Whatsapp , Text or picture text with copy of lead generation sheet or typed information. Then the office team contacts each Landlord or Customer to explain what happens next then all customers details are then passed to Data Match Service.
They need be receiving of the qualifying benefits: • Pension Credit Guarantee Credit Element
• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
• Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
• Income Support
• Working and Child Tax Credits
• Universal Credit
• Armed Forces Independent Payment
• Attendance Allowance
• Carer's Allowance
• Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
• Severe Disablement Allowance
• War Pensioners' Mobility Supplement
• Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
• Personal Independence Payment
• Constant Attendance Allowance
After all customers are matched via data match service the team calls each customer or Landlord to appoint a free home survey to establish what insulation is required per property then installation.